January 7, 2021

Buck Meek - "Candle"

The Big Thief guitarist is readying his second solo record and offers up another single, this one with an assist from bandmate Adrianne Lenker.

There is a brilliant country twang that hovers over "Candle," the latest single from Buck Meek. It's a gentle feeling that hints at solitude and a lot of self-reflection and affirms the groove of the other tracks he's shared from the record. “I was making my escape, when the siren’s song caught me a mile up the road,” Meek said of the song. “My nose started bleeding by the second note, so I lit a candle to keep moving. I may have died and woke in heaven’s motel, with a telephone seashell at the bedside. It rang in waves and waves spoke, and waves heard through me.” This is not a track that you'd expect from Buck's main focus and the fact that it was co-written with Lenker actually reveals a lot more depth in their creative process and showcases just how expansive their creative palette is and possibly what still might lay ahead in their future. Until a new Big Thief album emerges, rejoice in the simple elegance Buck Meek has shared while we wait.

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