September 25, 2015

The Jesus and Mary Chain played Terminal 5

Jim and William Reid, better known as the core of the Jesus and Mary Chain, have hit the road to support the 30th anniversary of their landmark album Psychocandy.

Do bands really break-up or do they stop playing long enough to cash in on a reunion tour? Add it to the endless list of pop music's burning questions. Following their break up in 1999, the Jesus and Mary Chain reformed in 2007 and now, after touring off and on for almost a decade, they're finally playing Psychocandy in full. Taking cues from classic Phil Spector pop (the drum intro from "Be My Baby" can be found several times on the record) and mixing blinding guitar shrieks, the record helped launch the shoegaze movement and inspired generations of noise makers to come. The simplicity of the song writing fused with wailing guitar blasts gave way to massive walls of sound (another Spector nod) that pitted the snarl and gloom of post-punk with the glee of sunshine-pop. It's a record that shatters the standards of pop, filling the voids with layers of noise. Thirty years past their debut, the JAMC still cut like a knife. Opening their set with "April Skies" and "Head On" was a masterful way to kick off the evening and set the bar high. "'Some Candy Talking' wasn't on the UK release, so we're gonna play it early" murmured Reid and the track exploded with a prime response from the crowd. By the time "Just Like Honey" started, the crowd was in full sing-a-long mode, hands clapping along to the iconic drum, setting forth a pace for which the night would follow. On a whole, the masterpiece was delivered in stunning form. Little to no talking disrupted the set and the nostalgia gained for the music over the last thirty years has only done the band favors. Their erratic behavior never surfaced and their statuesque demeanor allowed for the music to speak for itself. Motionless on stage, the wrangled guitar took the focus off the band itself and rather on the experience of the sound. These days, classic records are played in full on a regular basis, but when the record in question is a stone cold classic, it's not something to be missed.

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