I'm sure by now you've all heard of the latest announcements from Apple. These guys seem to be unstoppable at the moment. Everything they do appears to be right. Now ipod nanos have video and extended battery life, ipod touch has wireless, ipod classic has 160GB, and iphone prices just dropped. Not to mention the new imacs. I converted to apple this summer and it was one of the best decisions of my life. I suggest you all follow suit.
Last weekend I went to my first show since being back. Girl Talk and Dan Deacon at Webster Hall. This was my first electronica show and I was blown away. The energy these two performers had was amazing. Security was unable to hold back the crowd from rushing and dancing unstage and the whole night was incredible. Girl Talk mixed everything so well and threw in a bunch of surprises that kept everyone moving all night long.
Big news on the Upper East Side yesterday was Sex and the City: The Movie taking over 70th and Lexington. Shots form yesterday included Charlotte and Big getting into a fight outside of a restaurant. Oh and it appears that Charlotte is pregnant in this one.
Hot Tracks:
- Animal Collective - "Fireworks". This is my favorite track off their newest album Strawberry Jam. Seeing these guys at the end of the month and I'm pretty excited for it.
- The Most Serene Republic - "Sherry and Her Butterfly Net". Fell in love with these guys a few years ago and their sophomore release is excellent.
- Kevin Drew - "Back Out on the". Saw this dude rock out this summer. Great jam from the leader of Broken Social Scene.